Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A funny happened on the way to find Jesus

Never would I insult or belittle the way others worship.  With that said, I have two things to say about the last two weeks; "Holy Shit." and  "Oh my GAWD".  We have attended two new churches in past two weeks.  We really loved out old church but since moving we haven't gone because it's too far away. (that perception will probably change.) 

Okay, church number one.  It was in it's temporary location.  They are getting ready to build a church.  We thought that was a good sign.  Good churches are always expanding.  So we arrive a tad bit early. (35 minutes)  We are confused from the start.  From their webpage, we assumed that it was non-denominational but the Baptist Association's office was there as well.  We have nothing against Baptist, it just wasn't what we were expecting.  We go in and I immediately see the "coffee shop".  I really don't care if a church has coffee shop.  But don't call a coffee pot with some flavoring set out a coffee shop.  Thanks for the coffee and the false advertising.  I don't know why churches now need coffee shops anyway.  My Bible must be missing 1st Seattle's Best and 2nd Starbucks.  To me it would make more sense to have a winery.  Since that is more biblical than coffee.  And it might just bring in more sinners to save.  Uhh where was I.  Oh yeah, since we were early most people were in Sunday School.  We walked around, read the bulletin and found a seat.  The service began.  It was okay.  I felt like I had gone to church in someone's living room and it was Uncle Bob's story time.  The preacher read off his papers the whole time, rarely looking up.  It reminded of speech class.  The singing was the greatest either.  It just wasn't for me. 
The second church was recommended to us by a neighbor.  Which by the way I will have to avoid now because I won't know how to answer "What did think you about our church?"  This time we arrive right on time.  We shuffle in not knowing which direction to go.  A lady tells us how they are going to need more chairs.  Okay but why are you telling me?  We make it inside and find a seat.  It's a packed house.  This must be the place to be.  The music starts and 30 minutes later is still going.  Uh-oh, this isn't going to be an hour is it.  Tick tick tick. The music ends and they bring in a guest speaker. Tick tick tick.  Then there was a baby dedication.  Tick tick tick.   The preacher starts talking and I think "Oh, he must be wrapping things up."  Uhhhhhhhh, no.  He begins to preach.  Now the website says non-denominational but I'm pretty sure that was a Baptist sermon.  That's fine, it's good to have a change.  Tick tick tick.  We have now hit the two hour mark.  Two hours may be the norm for some but 75 minutes is about all I can last.  Wait, didn't he say something about baptisms today.  Oh yeah, and here comes that train of people now.  Tick tick tick. Having me sit in one place for two hours is like putting a puppy in cage and expecting him not to bark.  We got to go.  We leave before they start dunking people.  I feel a little bad but this wasn't for me.  

During the last service, Gretchen and I had the same thought.  We miss our old church.  We will probably return to it.  Although we might give the Catholic Church another try.  I don't know but I never thought finding a church to attend would be so hard.

I guess to way to explain how I felt during the last two weeks is:  Have you ever been invited to a someone's house for a party and when you get there you find out that it 's for Amway.  Yeah, that's how I felt.


  1. Wow that is horrible. Most people go to church not to critique or be entertained but to worship God. Not to watch the clock or wonder what your going to do when you get out but, to use this time you have set out of your day, your life, to focus on a message Jesus may have for you. To pray and receive what your creator is trying to give you. You entertain God not the other way around. Good luck finding the church that fits into YOUR schedule.
    Kelly Ellis

  2. I enjoy the search for a new church when I move to a new town. I really makes you appreciate the one you left behind and the new one when you find it.

  3. Ouch Kelly. I didn't go to be entertained. As far as time goes I have to work on some Sunday and yes 2 hours doesn't fit that schedule. As far as ctitiqueing, I was attempting to tell my experience in a comical way. I didn't mean to offend anyone with this particular blog. But thanks for your comments I hope you continue to read. I enjoy all of your comments.

  4. No offense. I was actually just worried about you. Sorry if I was a little too harsh. I will pray though that your family finds a church that your family and you find to be like "home".
    Kelly Ellis
