Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Taking a step back

I've had to take some time to rethink this blog.  I had some unexpected eyes checking up on it. Not that I really care but I still had to make sure there wasn't any "questionable" material.  I often get asked what my blog is about.  I find that this is not an easy question to answer.  If you are a regular reader, you know what I'm talking about.  I usually answer "Whatever's in my head."  That's about all I can answer. When I attend an event, some people will asked if I am going to blog about it.   I usually answer "I don't know," which is true.  I don't know what I am going to write until I sit down at the computer.  Other's have ask me how do I come up with topics.  Again, I don't know.  Anything I write: this blog; poetry; short stories; or novels, just come to me.  My brain creates it and I write it. I wish I could explain it better but that's just how it works.  I used to keep a pen and paper by the bed so that when I woke up in the middle of the night I could jot stuff down.  I have forgotten many a poem and now many a blog by not being better prepared.   Incidentally, I only have so much time to write and I usually use it to blog.  But last week I had a short story pop into my head and it took all of my free time to write.  Of course, if I could type better I could probably cut my time in half.  The title of the story was "The Book of Xi Su."  I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with it but I'm am very proud of it.

I have some blog topics bouncing around in my head that I might get to some day but who knows what will be in my head next time I sit down.  As far as stepping back, I did it for about a week.  I thought about and going forward, nothing is going to change. "Inshanesbrain" will be same: thought provoking, story telling, and nostalgic with an occasional poem and maybe some short stories.  By the way, I am open to suggestions because I do struggle thinking up topics.  I also, want to take a moment and thank those who read this blog,  especially those who comment regularly:  Gretchen Morgan, Brett Minor, Kelly (Beckett) Ellis, Lela Bremen and Kevin Fradelos.   Comments really do help.  They let me know when the blog is good and when it's bad.  I do not delete any comments.  They are all there for anyone to read with one exception.  If someone comments "Your dumb" or "This is pointless" or anything like it, I will delete those. If someone puts those same comments and then explains why then I will leave it because it helps provoke thought. But to say that I am "dumb" doesn't add anything to the conversation and thus will be deleted.  Thanks for reading.


  1. Sounds like you are struggling to NOT become a published writer :). Remember the little people when you sit down and can't stop until you have completed a masterpiece.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    K. BecketT Ellis :)

  2. I have a file on my computer of blog ideas. If I am out and about and have an idea, I jot it down real quick. Next time I sit at the computer, I add the idea to the file.

    Some of those ideas never go any further and some have become blogs. At the very least, on those days when I sit down to write and do not know what to write about, I can look at the list and then run with it.
