Friday, February 1, 2013

10,000 in 2 years: Make It happen

February 9, 2013 will mark 2 years of In Shane's Brain.  It began with a rant on Facebook, now 2 years later I can't imagine not doing it.  When I read old post. I realize how good some of them are.  I know it sounds like I'm bragging but really I'm not.  I normally hate my writing and beat myself up over it.  This is what I've learned in the last 2 years when it comes to ISB:

1)  my potential death or personal injury seem to drive a lot of traffic to my blog. (I don't now how to take that)

2)  This blog has helped my other writing (hopefully this is the year)

3)  Often people want to tell me what to write about (some are good ideas, others not so much, however keep the ideas coming because writer's block is a real thing.)

4)  Gretchen loves the beautiful wife posts

5)  Some "friends" refuse to read my blog

6)  Some people think every post is about them

7) Trying to please my readers only leads to posts that I HATE

Anyway the point of the post is that I'm roughly 1100 hits away from 10,000.  I would very much like to have that by 2/9/2013.  It would be a great way to celebrate 2 years of rants, stories, poems, and observations.  I'm asking you, my readers to help promote my little blog.  My Top Ten posts are listed at the lef tside of this blog.  Below are some of my other favorites posts.  Thanks for reading and thanks for helping me get my 10,000 hits.

Lets Do School Lunch

Happy Birthday Grandma

More Than Just A Hat

Bang the Drum Slowly:  An Attempt to Revive A Flat-lined Baseball

Yes, It's True. It Only Lasted Two Minutes

The Grave Little Toaster

Pushing My Boulder

Laughter IS the Best Medicine

Andy and the Holiday Dinner

Doggie Styles

These are all from the first year.  I will post my faves from year two when I don't have any thing else to post  at a later date.  If you like what you read go ahead and look around and don't forget to leave some comments and tell me what you think.  Thanks for reading.


  1. I don't know why it makes a difference, but I love hitting those mileposts. 100th post, 10,000 hit, blog anniversary. All of them. I know they're just numbers, but I always get excited over them.

  2. I agree Brett. For the most part, I don't care about the numbers. But since we are out here flying solo,these little bench marks are all that we have as motivators and success monitors.

  3. I enjoy what's in Shane's brain. Lynn
